Victoria, who’s been coming regularly to Inspiratrix Yoga’s gentle yoga classes for a year and a half, shares why she has stayed committed to the practice:
“For me yoga isn’t about being flexible.”
“It’s not about being able to do backward bends or even forward bends.”
“It isn’t about being able to stand on my head; I can’t!”
“Or about being stronger, although yoga has helped enormously.”
“It’s about learning to love and listen to what my body wants and needs.”
“It’s about learning when it’s OK to sit on the floor, and when I need to sit in a chair.”
“It’s about learning to own my body again and to trust what my body is telling me.”
“If something doesn’t feel right, I don’t push through the pain.”
“I ease off until my body finds a level it’s comfortable with, and that is where I rest.”
“By being kind to my body and listening over time it has found healing.”
“I know I have been incredibly lucky with the yoga teachers in my life.”
“I am grateful.”