I love teaching yoga, and I (mostly) love attending yoga training.

But there were many moments when I was disappointed by the yoga teacher training programmes I took when I was learning to teach.

Once any programme scales beyond a certain level, it becomes a “yoga teacher factory”, and if you don’t fit the mould, it’s your problem.

The underlying problem is that students aren’t seen as individuals and aren’t supported as individuals: the diversity of their needs is not recognised.

That’s why I’m committed to only taking a maximum of 12 trainees through the Inspiratrix Yoga Teacher training programme at any one time.

In my last group of students, each came with a different background, level of practice, and learning needs and I worked with each, through the course, to develop their capacity and confidence to teach yoga classes.

Because inclusivity is one of my personal philosophies that underpins the Inspiratrix Yoga Teacher training.

The next chance to join is September, with regular training most Tuesday nights plus 4 x four-day modules.

Our goal is that confident, authentic and inclusive yoga teachers are born in under 8 months (both in-person and online).

This course is:
- ACCREDITED: this training is recognised by Yoga Alliance Professionals
- COVID-PROOF: this course will run, and you will be able to complete it, whether you are present in-person on Anglesey or online
- SUPPORTIVE: mentoring, feedback and encouragement from Claire, including personal tutorials
- GET THE KNOWLEDGE: with Yoga Philosophy specialist Craig Nadashakti Norris and Anatomy geek Adrian Kingsley-Hughes

In 2020 nine students graduated through this programme and are now teaching yoga in their communities:
- “Claire’s teaching really did give me the opportunity to find my own style of yoga and I never felt judged. Being encouraged to teach so soon in the course is what has given me the confidence I have now.” – Nia D
- “The course itself was really well structured, each weekend was jam-packed full of information with sessions led by a range of experts. I would highly recommend this course to anyone!” – Lowri
- “After completing my 200-hour teacher training I can honestly say that Claire is professional, knowledgeable, patient, accessible and kind.” – Elaine

This is not an impersonal online course with hundreds of other participants, where no one cares if you pass or fail.

In this programme you get individual, personalised support from me and my co-teachers.

If this speaks to you, book in for your free, no-obligation chat.