When I started yoga I didn’t do much physical practice at all.
Apart from occasionally running for a bus.
I suffered from chronic tension in my shoulders and pain in my lower back.
Though doing yoga these last 20 years doesn’t fix everything, I have certainly become stronger through practicing it.
l have learned to feel, understand and release the chronic tension, to the extent that it doesn’t bother me any more.
These days I teach quite gentle yoga classes.
Yes, there is a focus on strengthening, particularly core work.
But I am more interested in helping people to relax and find some calm amid this crazy world.
However it’s occasionally fun to explore a more challenging practice.
Which is why I’ve planned my next yoga workshop as a more intermediate level session.

My Soften the Corners Yoga Workshop is THIS Saturday 18th November 10am-midday on Zoom.
Expect a more intense practice than I usually teach; we’ll also work towards some more advanced poses we don’t have time to warm up to in weekly classes.
With a particular focus on releasing and strengthening around your hips and shoulders, we’ll explore “open strength” rather than “closed strength” through dynamic and relaxing practices.
This class is not suitable for total beginners.
Can’t make it live? Register and we’ll email you the recording as soon as it’s edited.
Note this workshop is included for Inspiratrix Yoga members, just log in as usual.
Non members are also welcome to attend, the price is £20 (or £10 for concessions with the code CONC) to attend live or receive the recording.
Book your spot here
See you soon
PS Book the workshop here