
When I was in my twenties I knew I would end up teaching. I didn’t know what. Because I didn’t know much about anything at that age.


And now two decades later I am teaching yoga. And training other people to teach yoga.


I would NEVER have predicted either of those things.


I mean, yoga is for ultra-vegans who live off smoothies and salads, right?


In fact, all the way through taking my first Yoga Teacher training in 2010 at fancy London studio Triyoga, I wasn’t convinced I would ever teach a yoga class.


I didn’t own the right type of leggings for a start. And I thought Tai Chi might turn out to be more my thing. Or swimming.


Anything but yoga.


But I discovered I enjoyed teaching. And the yoga helped me – and other people – have less back pain, reduced stress and better sleep.


And so I wound up driving across the West Midlands urban sprawl to teach fifteen classes a week in gyms and leisure centres.


These days I try not to teach more than five classes a week.


But I also mix it up with workshops and in 2020 I taught my first Yoga Teacher Training!


It has been so exciting this year to see the Inspiratrix Yoga trainees from last year taking great strides in creating classes and sharing their love of yoga, and building up their confidence in teaching.


You’ll get to meet a few of them when I’m away on sabbatical in May and June.


The next Inspiratrix Yoga Teacher training programme starts September 2021.


If you’d like to know more, book yourself a slot to chat to me about it.

