This time last year I couldn’t have predicted the shape of this year.

None of us could have.

I expected to keep teaching the same yoga in the same way.

With some help from Adrian, of course.

My INTENTION for the yoga classes has always been that they be helpful to you.

Whether that’s in reducing back pain, improving sleep, increasing flexibility or decreasing stress.

And that intention is still the same even though we’re always experimenting with the technology and format of how we deliver the yoga.

But you people have kept attending, and new people joining. Why?

Self-care – in support of your own physical and mental health
Community – doing something WITH other people
Consistency – we’ve showed up to share the yoga, week in and week out, so you can show up for yourself every week

The latest format I’m playing with is a pre-recorded short course, my INTENTION SETTING SERIES.

Because one simple tool I use to help me navigate change is intention setting.

Working with intention, whether in yoga or throughout the day, is a transformative key to improving your life.

Even (and especially) when a pandemic has ripped up your plans.

Choosing every day to take small steps that will make your life happier, calmer, more fulfilled – or however you chose.

Because it’s your intention that matters.

My Intention Setting Series that will happen online 1st – 3rd January, to help you get focused for 2021 in a good way.

Three 45 minute yoga videos you can do any time of day
Daily email reminders to get on your mat
Keep access to the series for a year so you can repeat it any time you need to find focus

Simple but so powerful!

I’ve been working with intention setting practices for over a decade and I have distilled all I know into this three-day process.

If you want to do it you need to sign up BEFORE MIDNIGHT today (31st December)!

This is free for my regularly attending people who are “All the Yogas” subscribers – just log onto the new Virtual Vault system. Ask me if you don’t know what your logon and password is already!

And if you’re not already working with me, the Intention Setting Series costs £9.99
Get your name down before midnight tonight (31st December):…/courses/view/1060253