It is a fragile thing to be a human…

Navigating our endlessly changing world, which, in the 21st Century, just doesn’t make sense most of the time…

Feeling “not quite right” but not really knowing why…

Unsure of the “right thing” or the “wrong thing” to do or say, and seeing other people having a challenging time too…

Well… the way out is to go inwards.

By which I mean: paying attention to your body and learning your inner language of feeling.

One of my favourite herbalists and philosophers, Stephen Harrod Buhner, is fond of saying, “the greatest act of disobedience we can engage in is to reclaim our feeling sense.”

I work with this as the whole spectrum of physical sensation. Of which emotion is part, though not the only gateway.

And the arena in which I practice, and which I teach people to practice, is the yoga mat.

You don’t have to go to a fancy retreat centre, or a temple in the mountains. You just unroll your mat in your lounge and get started.

The way out is to go inwards.

And that’s where you’ll work with tools to find more to calm, self-acceptance, and alignment within your life.

In my “Deepen Your Yoga” workshop this month, we’ll explore the theme of “Stand Your Ground”.

Expect poses to help you feel – and strengthen – your legs and buttocks.

It’s happening this Saturday, 11am-1pm, and the drop in price is £15. That is, unless you’re one of my monthly “All the Yogas” subscribers, in which case it’s included in your membership.

And if you are not already doing yoga with me – total bargain – you can do my 21-day “New Student Virtual Yoga Special,” which is fantastically good value at £15 for 21 days.

Then you can join any or all of the other 28 – yes, 28! – Inspiratrix Yoga virtual yoga classes in the next three weeks with me, Adrian, Mel, or Meranda.

Classes to help you get stronger, reduce stress – and cultivate your inner feeling sense.

And if you’re not working so much right now: there’s a concessionary 50% discount, so it’s only £7.50 with the code 21DAYCONC.

I’m closing the “New Student Virtual Yoga Special” at the end of January. Link is below.
“New Student Virtual Yoga Special” – Book the Stand Your Ground workshop here –