Our world has gone so weird, through each latest phase of the Coronavirus saga.
What are the rules today?
Will I have work tomorrow?
When will things return to normal?
The truth is: there is no certainty other than change.
But how do we best meet that change, evolve with it, grieve our losses, and find new opportunities?
I’m running an online mini retreat this Saturday 1st August 10am-4pm, that’s all about taking time out to sit with those questions.
We’ll get a good strong yoga practice in too – because our internal compass begins in the body.
My co-teacher for this one is Dr Alison Clancy, assistant professor at University College Dublin’s school of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems.
She’s an inspiring and compassionate teacher who recognises the yoga mat can be a place to find a sense of contentment, self-awareness, and mind-body connection.
Book your spot here: https://inspiratrix.as.me/workshops
I’m also running a competition to give away one free place on the retreat! Leave a comment on any of my YouTube videos by the end of today (29th July 2020) and you’ll be entered into a draw to win a spot.
Here’s my latest weird coronavirus-era video experiment for you to check out: